I Am Warning You de Rafal Milach est un livre-triptyque dédié à trois murs frontaliers différents: américano-mexicain (# 13767), hongrois-serbe-croate (je vous préviens) et le mur de Berlin (Death Strip). Collectivement, ils présentent une étude architecturale dédiée à la propagande et au contrôle tout en collectant les expériences – les souvenirs et les cicatrices – des communautés frontalières. Le triptyque représente diverses structures physiques qui se dégradent d’un livre à l’autre – du mur américain fortement fortifié à la clôture électrique hongroise en passant par les traces et les empreintes de mémoire du mur de Berlin

AUTEUR: Rafal Milach
ISBN: 978
PUBLICATION: 06 / 2021
FORMAT: Relié Livre-triptyque à couvertures souples et dos exposés dans un étui
PRIX: 65€
DIMENSIONS: 210 x 265 mm – 288 pages
3 livres de 66-76-144 images

Mexico, Mexicali 11.2019 Construction of the new border wall between U.S. and Mexico. On February 23rd 2018, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office published The Final Report on Border Wall Mockup and Prototype Test. It presents, amongst other, various breaching and scaling tests of the eight future border wall prototypes proposed by Homeland Security in response to Donald Trump’s Executive Order #13767. The prototypes were nothing else, but a demonstration of power. They were not integrated into the new structure of the border wall that had been gradually replacing the old recycled Vietnam War helicopter landing panels. The project reflects upon the design of geographical and political division. It is dedicated to architecture of control and its impact on local landscape and urban structures.
Mexico, Baja California, Tijuana 05.2019 Improvised shelter by the Mexican – U.S. border wall. On February 23rd 2018, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office published The Final Report on Border Wall Mockup and Prototype Test. It presents, amongst other, various breaching and scaling tests of the eight future border wall prototypes proposed by Homeland Security in response to Donald Trump’s Executive Order #13767. The prototypes were nothing else, but a demonstration of power. They were not integrated into the new structure of the border wall that had been gradually replacing the old recycled Vietnam War helicopter landing panels. The project reflects upon the design of geographical and political division. It is dedicated to architecture of control and its impact on local landscape and urban structures.
Germany. Berlin 10.2019 remains of the wall at Bernauer Strasse , Berlin wall memorial